Meet six friends from five different countries and discover what they really think of their countries’ stereotypes. By Nisse Laiho-Murdoch and Amy McCready
An explaination of the polls speculating the outcome of the Same-Sex Marriage Referendum in Ireland, along with a bried history of the issue in Ireland and the world. By Leah Ring.
Overpopulation is a big deal. More than 7 billion people are living in this planet now, and population is growing faster and faster. We will have reached 8 billion in ten years time. Can the Earth assimilate so many people? By Esther Vallès i Queralta
Each year millions of people die from smoking related deaths, yet governments and corperations continue to produce and allow the sales of tobacco. Without some sort of dramatic change it is likely that this will continue. However, as the cigarette taxes collected help government budgets so much it is difficult to see a sudden dramatic […]
This is a story about breaking chains and discovering who you are; about leaving your country, your family and your past behind; about finding your own way. This is the story of a woman, a strong Peruvian woman who has fought to be who she is now. This is the story of Rosario Castañeda. By […]
Jessica Dawson is a radio presenter at Forge Radio and has interview several bands and musicians ranging from George Ezra to Bastille. It is interesting to note how she strives in a career which is not deemed as important as that of a more professional aspect. The user gets to know what it´s like to […]
Imagine that you run faster than almost anyone in the world. Imagine that you are part of the team of The Chosen Ones. Luckily I’m not talking about the new Avengers movie. This is about a woman that won medals while raising two children. Let me introduce you to Maria Luisa Muñoz. By Marina Uroz […]
Cristina de Llanos decided to be a farmer with everything against. Living in an urban area, and with no family working as a farmer, neither friends nor family thought it was a good idea. But she felt it was her passion, and kept on with it. By Jordi Julià Serra