
Life as a radio presenter

Jessica Dawson is a radio presenter at Forge Radio and has interview several bands and musicians ranging from George Ezra to Bastille. It is interesting to note how she strives in a career which is not deemed as important as that of a more professional aspect. The user gets to know what it´s like to […]

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Recovering from a Marathon

Imagine that you run faster than almost anyone in the world. Imagine that you are part of the team of The Chosen Ones. Luckily I’m not talking about the new Avengers movie. This is about a woman that won medals while raising two children. Let me introduce you to Maria Luisa Muñoz. By Marina Uroz […]

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In the crossing point

Mario is 21 and he is from Castelldefels, Barcelona. He is just one boy like others in the metropolitan area. Mario has a temporary job, temporary studies, temporary project of life… Last year, He was a ‘neets’ (“Not in Education, Employment, or Training) for a few months. Now, he says he is in the crossing […]

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